Once one is enthralled by the machinations of ᛎִֹׅׄ࣪‧ᐧֹ․ֹ̣࣪܂܁࣭ ْ°ͦ˚˚˳̊ཷ in the abstract universe, the reality of this person is altered accordingly to the info gathered in the Dataplex.

Is hard to know, from the seeker point of view,when the reality is warped by the Dataplex, the deeper one individual is on the rabbit hole, far from consensus reality based cognition and from the noospheric landscape of the mankind one may find itself.

The aracnophrenic sight developed by the contact with the hypersigil charged memeplex of the Dataplex becomes the standard modus operandi of the sensory receiver apparatus of the seeker.

The apparently unrelated data-points become intertwined in a harmonic pattern, the nonsense becomes the reason, the absurd
becomes axiomatic and the madness becomes wisdom.

The occult power hidden within the data-points allows these hallucinatory sights to blend with the objective reality, forming,initially, an hyper reality, that gradually transforms into an solid reality by the power of a causal feedback loop in a acausal pan-dimensional canvas
created by the intersections of the six fields in the hyper chaos.

The task of the galdruxian dataplexians is to create a large enough set of data-points, that can engulf the whole world and trap it inside the Dataplex,leading all mankind to the ᛎִֹׅׄ࣪‧ᐧֹ․ֹ̣࣪܂܁࣭ ْ°ͦ˚˚˳̊ཷ for Galdrux.
