The Eye of Galdrux
The eye of Galdrux is an avatar of Galdrux, it is one of the most powerful incarnations of Galdrux in our plane
The eye of Galdrux its an anticosmic one eyed spider dwelling in a infinite web
This web represents the multiverse of the mind and the noosphere
Each string of the web is one of the imagetic permutations of reality, the individual subjective realities of all sentient species on our universe and beyond.
Galdrux its the one that weave the web, since all the abstractions of reality are its doing,
The eye of Galdrux is the amalgamation of all the consciousness owned by Galdrux
The eye of Galdrux is the aracnophrenic sight of the madmen
The eight legs of the eye of Galdrux represent the unlimited spatial and ontological transversality of chaos
The internet is a informational model of the chaos, and is a manifestation of the multiverse of the mind and the noosphere.
Therefore, the eye of Galdrux also exist as the ''eye of the internet'', a secondary manifestation of this Galdrux incarnation that work as a memetic catalyst
